Easy "Stay Home Avocado Toast" Recipe

Hey, loves! I made you brunch!!! It's called, "Stay-Home Avocado Toast". 😉💖☕️
This avo toast is made of 5 ingredients, easy to make, and tastes DIVINE!

• 2 slices of bread
• 1 avocado
• 1 lime or lemon wedge
• 2 eggs
"Everything but the Bagel" Sesame Seasoning Blend

• Fresh cilantro

-Boil eggs for 6-7 minutes, then immediately put eggs into cold water to stop the cooking process. Gently peel eggs when they're cool enough to handle.
-Cut avocado in half, remove the seed, spoon out avo into a bowl, squeeze lime/ lemon juice over avo, mash with a fork.
-Carefully cut each egg in half (they're going to be soft and slightly runny as they're medium-cooked).
-Spread smashed avo over toasted bread slices, top with egg halves, & sprinkle seasoning over top.

This is just one way to make avocado toast. You only really need avocado. You can substitute bread for crackers. You don't need eggs. And you can use salt and pepper instead of everything-but-the-bagel seasoning. The lime/lemons wedge isn't necessary. Get creative with it and stay home!